Testnet Wallet Instructions
Last updated
Last updated
Open the Haust Wallet mini App in Telegram and click the Create or Log in button.
Enter your Email, previously used in our Quest campaigns, you will receive the confirmation code, please type it into a special field. If you didn't receive any code, please press Resend.
Your account will be created, to protect it please create and re-enter a strong PIN, you can enable Biometrics or can do it later in the Settings.
Congratulations, your Account created, to set up Account Abstraction need to complete Send or Swap transaction.
Please, export private key, to do so go to Settings -> Export private key
Click on your wallet address in the Upper menu to copy it. Send some tokens in Haust Network from your another wallet, used previously in DEX and Lending.
The other way to get your Address - press Receive button on the Home screen, select Token and Network. Can share address details or copy it.
After receiving tokens, the token balances and Total balance will be updated.
Press Swap button on the Home screen, select tokens and the amount, click Swap.
After reviewing the exchange details and current rates, click Confirm Swap
If the rates was renewed, you will be asked to confirm the Swap again.
You will need to confirm the transaction with the PIN or Biometrics(if enabled).
The status will be Pending while transaction is being processed.
*The first transaction may take awhile as the Account Abstraction is being created, please be patient.
After the transaction is complete, status will be updated.
After transaction completed, the token balances and Total balance will be updated.
When you press on any token in the Home Screen, Token Details will be shown, such as current balance, chart, token transaction history. Send, Receive, Swap and History buttons will be pre-selected with current token. By clicking on (i) icon in the right top corner can view Token Info.
Token Info included details about token, the address and link to open in Explorer.
To Supply some tokens click the Supply button on the top of Home Screen. All available to supply tokens will be shown. Can only supply tokens you have on your wallet.
Press Supply button and enter amount of tokens you wish to supply, then again press Supply.
After please enter PIN or use biometrics to approve the use of the token.
Confirm the transaction by entering PIN or use biometrics.
The status will be Pending while transaction is being processed.
After the transaction is complete, status will be updated.
The supplied token balances and Total Supply will be updated.
To Borrow some tokens click the Borrow button on the top of Home Screen. All available to borrow tokens will be shown.
Press Borrow button and enter amount of tokens you wish to borrow, then again press Borrow
Confirm the transaction by entering PIN or use biometrics.
The status will be Pending while transaction is being processed.
After the transaction is complete, status will be updated.
The borrowed token balances and Total Borrow will be updated.
The wallet balances will be updated.
Press the token you want send on the Home screen, then press Send button.
Ensure to select the correct network.
Select network, enter the wallet address, specify the amount and click the Confirm sending button.
Confirm the transaction by entering PIN or use biometrics.
The status will be Pending while transaction is being processed.
After the transaction is complete, status will be updated.
Press History button on the Home screen to open transactions history. On the right top corner there is Filters icon.
By pressing Filters icon, can filter the transactions history by selected tokens, transaction type, status, dates.
1. On the top right corner of the Home screen is located icon of Notifications, where will be stored all toast notifications for their review. The functionality will come soon with updates.
On the top left corner of the Home screen is located icon of QR Scanner, which can be used to connect the wallet via Wallet Connect to different dApps. The functionality will come soon with updates.
1. In the Settings can be found: current email address of a user, export private key, set new PIN, lock method, transaction confirmation, network type and notifications, which can be changed. Also contact support, wallet FAQ, news, terms of service, privacy policy and Log out.
1. Please complete the Google form and list all the issues you encountered.